


today is 7.16. I am in Los Angeles. Today we are going to Universal Studios, first we take a tour train and see the Universal Studios factory, and then we see a 3D moive on the bus, it's king kong 3D, and that's very realistic. then we see many famous moive is manufactured here, and we also see it dummy bulid but it's looks real, then  we get in to a Studio of Universal Studios, it's show when earthquake comes, our car is under the bulid and at start the floor is shake, and the ceiling is fall down, and a truck is slide down from the tilt ceiling, and then water apper from everywhere, and then a subway pass our car, then it broke, be come apart. and then we leave this studio. Next we go to the movie "Jaws"'s production site, and we see a dummy jaw eat a dummy person, with our tour guide's Interesting commentary, we think that's realy dummy, but when i say "jaws" this movie, i think it's realistic, and scard, but the studio is not scard, it even

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