


today is 7.26. and we had breakfast in the top of the hotel, here we can see the whole San Francisco, too. After Dinner we went to the Monterey Bay. first we arrived Golden Gate Bridge, but we hadn't stay so long, then we went to the redwood forest park, those tree are very big, and old, and they are tall, there's even have a tree is born before the jesus born, it's over than 2000 years old. then we went to the Monterey Bay, it's a Golf course, and Tiger Woods was rise to power and position here. the first place we meet is the bird rock. when i get out the bus, it smiled the worst smell i had even smiled. it's mixed by decayed seaweed with bird's excreta. it's really disgusting. so i came back to the bus as fast as i can. the we went to see the pine in the rock, and never falls. they call it lonely tree. finally we went to the golf course, and we saw the trophy for the men were rise form here. and there's also had the biggest Golf course. then we went to the hotel.

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