


today is 7.28. and this is the day we have to back to China, and then i was very expect there's a TV and movies for each seat, but i am wrong. But there's not! i was very disappointed. and i just can sleep for whole tour. and then is the lunch time. there‘re airline meal for everyone. and i love the airline meal. it's delicious, it's my favorite. then the stranger beside me didn't want anything, and i was confuse, isn't he hungry? but then i found he have already have a big dinner, he is just waiting, and it's chicken rise, there are many drumstick and delicious rice, and then he ask me do you want one? i say no, because i have to be polite. then about 10 hours airplane was reaching the airport in the Shanghai. and then, when we got out from the Airplane i felt the hot, and damp, it's really uncomfortable, and then i missed the temperature and weather in the both Los angles and San Francisco, I think the both temperature and weather there are all comfortable.

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