Today is 8.07, i went to see my grand grandmother, and i saw her, there'er a lot of wrinkle on her face, and she is older even can't get up, or walk from a long time, and my grand mother send some crab, vegetable, food to my grandgrandmother. when we came, my grand mother is happy, and she stand up to welcome our's come. and then i saw what kind of house is that, it's empty, and old, but there's a very old women living here, she must felt lonely, and my grandgrandmother spend this for many years, she is lonely, helpless, hopeless, and felt not safe, because in Wenzhou there's always has the typhoon, and it didn't know can that small house hold on. in the after noon i went to my aunt's house and play with my cousin. and have fun.  this is really 

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