Today is 7.12. tommorrow i will go to America, the first time i went to America  is 2009, and this is second time. Today, i am waiting to tommorrow, and put my clothes, stuffs in to package. and ready to go, when i finish sort out, i decide to spend time with my young sister, because she doesn't go to america, she will stay at home for two weeks with her baby sister. she is so poor, she must will cry, because of we can't stay with her for two weeks, she must will feel alone, sad... so i think i have to spend all time with my sister until we go, i don't want see her cry, it's also make me sad too. when mother goes out, she must cry, and feel mother don't want her, leave her alone. so i think tommorrow when we leave, she must cry, and everyday, she will cry, and want mama, or dream us in her dream every night, she id just a baby, and she always show her feeling out. when she is happy, then we can see her happy on her face, when she feel sad, we can see saddess on her face. she is our family's treasure.

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